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I-765 processing time 2025 Form: What You Should Know
Renewals occur at the USCIS Field Office in person or by mail. If possible, the USCIS Field Office will send you a renewal notice. You may call to determine if an EAD will be granted. I-9 Requirements You are only required to file forms I-9 if you are: Employed by an employer and in the United States, as a citizen or resident alien, or engaged in business with an employer. Not a “student” by attending, being temporarily absent or residing temporarily outside the United States or outside this country for a total of three months or more in any 12-month period beginning on or after July 1, 2022; Not a “work program participant” as defined in the regulations, including (as of Dec. 15, 2015): Students who are “at risk” for being detained or deported for conduct outside the United States; or students engaged in training or education activities provided (or to be provided) by a non-profit organization (including public or private colleges, universities, and similar educational facilities), or by a national or international organization associated with the University, a college or university; or “Work Study” (in any context other than as prescribed in the regulations); and are actively engaged in a bona fide (as determined by the USCIS) and not a prohibited activity (as of Dec. 15, 2015): “A bona fide program of academic, research, or other professional development,” in which the University is an accredited educational provider; A travel-related event for at least one quarter during the academic year in which a student is taking degree-granting education; A trip that is part of the student's course of study; A training for more than 15 days conducted by a bona fide educational or travel provider authorized by the University to conduct such training; A participation in a class at which a University employee (a student, student employee, or graduate assistant in any capacity) works as a student, student employee, or graduate assistant; or A work-related activity that is a part of the course of study of the University, or an activity conducted to maintain or increase competency, to prepare the University employee for a professional function, or for a specific educational purpose.
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