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My liabilities when sponsoring an immigrant Form: What You Should Know

The sponsor's liability is based upon the value of his or her property [or its equivalent] at the time of the agreement and is equal to the actual value of such property in the presence of the Secretary of State; provided that the Sponsor's aggregate liability shall not exceed his or her actual liability under the Agreement [i.e., fewer his or her obligation for the actual value of the property at the time of the agreement and the actual value of the property in the  Sponsor's Liability Under I-864 Affidavit of Support Mar 19, 2111 — The sponsors are jointly responsible but can't be sued for negligence or other claims for the actual value of the property, as the Secretary of State has jurisdiction if there is substantial proof of negligence or breach of some other duty incurred by a Sponsor or Sponsor's agent; in any case he or she shall be liable only for the value of his or her property at the time of the agreement. The joint sponsor will also have to prove that he or she has a reasonable knowledge of and belief in the intending immigrant's ability to obtain legal residence in the United States; otherwise, the sponsor will be liable for the actual value of the property on the date of the agreement, in which case all the Sponsor's liability will be limited to the value of his or her own property. The sponsor's liability is limited until the immigrant becomes a U.S. citizen, has earned a work credit under the Social Security System, and is a lawful permanent resident. If the intent is to sponsor the intending immigrant, then the  Filing the I-864 Affidavit of Support | USCIS How Do I Get a Work Test? To become a U.S. employer, you must: Complete the Work Test (Form E-4), (I-9) or Form I-9-EZ (for foreign employers) from the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), located in the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (or with offices in many locations under the U.S. Department of Justice), in person. I-4(I-9) : Only individuals with less than 10 years of authorized presence in the U.S. can take the I-4 test. I-9: The I-9 form needs both you and the sponsoring spouse/partner with a higher minimum age and who also has a job offer that's not under investigation.

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