Hi, I'm attorney flag-waving Boko. I practice immigration law. I'm doing this video for couples who will be interviewed by the USCIS in order to get a green card. This goes to a petitioner, the US citizen, and also the alien, the immigrant who is applying for a green card. The title of the video is "The 10 Things You Never Do in an Interview with the USCIS." Number one, what do you not do in an interview? Well, you never lie to the immigration officer. Usually, when they ask you a question, they already pretty much know the answer. So, if you have some kind of criminal background and if you have ever committed any crime, even if it's something minor like public urination or disorderly conduct, if they ask if you have actually committed those crimes, you say yes. You just close it. Because if you don't, they will interpret that as lying and then you lose credibility right off the bat. Number two, what don't you do? Number two is to interrupt the immigration officer. The immigration officer is there to ask you questions, so he asks you the question and then you answer. When he is speaking, you don't interrupt him or her because he is in a position of authority there and they might set the officer off a little bit. Number three, what should you never do in an interview with the USCIS? Well, you don't get into a fight with the immigration officer. They might ask you a few offensive questions and you might think, "Why is this guy asking me those questions? My marriage is true." How dare this officer question if my marriage is actually true? Well, don't get offended. Answer the question. The officer is doing his job. There is a lot of...
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How to fill 2025 Uscis I-864 Form: What You Should Know
New Edition Dated 07/26/22. September 06, 2022. . . . . More than 80% of the 8 million immigrants granted lawful permanent residence through the Employment Authorization Document (EAD)--issued in conjunction with other immigration documents--are also granted approval to work for a certain limited period of time during the initial eligibility for benefits that begin on January 31, 2003. In those circumstances, EAD recipients have been provided with extensions of their eligibility for employment authorization, if necessary (see Question 7.1). In addition, EAD recipients granted temporary protection from removal and provided work authorization through the Optional Practical Training Program (OPT) have been provided periods of work authorization lasting from 6 months to 3 years. See the USCIS EAD Fact sheet for more information on employment authorization, including the eligibility guidelines, the approval process, and related information. . . . . . More than 80% of the 8 million immigrants granted lawful permanent residence through the Employment Authorization Document (EAD)--issued in conjunction with other immigration documents--are also granted approval to work for a certain limited period of time during the initial eligibility for benefits that begin on January 31, 2003. . . . (1) Information you provide on Page 3 of Form I-864 and in Part 4 of my application (“I-864-1”) on the basis of my financial resources is confidential and subject to restriction as set forth in Section 1022(g) of Title 18 of the United States Code and the corresponding penalties of perjury, except that: (a) in my case, in the case of an application for employment authorization, the information is subject to restriction as set forth in Section 1021(b)(2)(C) of Title 18 of the United States Code; and (b) under section 101(a)(15) of the Immigration and Nationality Act, as amended with respect to the Employment Authorization Document (EAD), the restrictions on the disclosure of information are as follows:. . . . (A) Information relating to my alien status (in this paragraph referred to as the “alien status information”) may only be revealed (i) to me, a U.S.
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